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User experience is a relevant variable when collecting consent. We highly encourage you to take advantage of our customization features, in order to provide a branded and user friendly banner to your users.

Remote Customization

Use our Remote Customization options, for a quick out-of-the-box branding that covers all the basics.


In the Appearance section of our Admin Interface, you will find the Layout and Styling tabs:

Under Display Options, you will find the following options:

  • Hide "Deny All" button
  • Hide Language switch

Showing the Language Switch

The language switch will only be shown in the Second Layer, and both of the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

  • Multiple visible languages are added in the Configuration section of the Admin Interface.
  • The "Hide language switch" option is disabled in the Appearance section of the Admin Interface, under the "Layout" tab.

Colors: Set individual colors by providing a specific HEX or using our color picker for the following banner elements:

  • Background Color
  • Text Color
  • Links Color
  • Tab Color
  • Accent Color
  • Button Colors
  • Tabs Color
  • Toggle Colors


Text Font and Size: Only supported via Programmatic Customization.

Logo: Set an image to appear at the top of your banner by providing a URL, as well as it's position:


Supported URL Image Formats

When passing a URL to fetch an image, the SDK supports: iOS: PNG and JPEG. Android: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF and WebP.

Admin Interface

Any changes to the properties available here, will only take effect with a new init of the SDK and clean/updated cache.

Forcing configuration updates during Testing

You may force a configuration update by using the reset() function, or by deleting the app and installing it again. We only recommend doing this when integrating and testing the SDK.

Configuration updates in Production

The SDK caches essential data on device after the first successful init, in order to be efficient with resources and provide offline capabilities. This cache is kept for several days, depending on app usage. Which means user's will not get "Published" changes from the Admin Interface immediately, but we can guaranty changes will take effect for 100% of your user base latest within a week.

Programmatic Customization

Use our Programmatic Customization API, to create advance banner designs and run-time variants. Using this API unlocks features like A/B Testing.

Compliance Note

Because the Programmatic API enables many customization options, it is important that your DPO (Data Protection Officer) reviews and approves the compliance of your design:


  • A user should always have clear options to accept, deny or save granular choices available as call to actions in the 1st or 2nd layer.
  • The First Layer should always allow a path to the Second Layer.
  • Calls to action should be equally prominent.

Programmatic Customization

When creating the UsercentricsUI banner, a BannerSettings property will be available for you to customize any element of the banner.

var bannerSettings = BannerSettings(generalStyleSettings: new GeneralStyleSettings(),
                                    firstLayerStyleSettings: new FirstLayerStyleSettings(),
                                    secondLayerStyleSettings: new SecondLayerStyleSettings());

General Style Settings

Style Settings values overwrite Remote Style values

Properties Type Notes
androidDisableSystemBackButton Bool Disable Android system back button.
androidStatusBarColor String Android status bar color represented in HEX.
textColor Color Edit the text color for both First Layer and Second Layer.
layerBackgroundColor Color Edit the color of the First Layer, and Header and Footer of the Second Layer.
layerBackgroundSecondaryColor Color Edit the color of the background in the content section.
linkColor Color Edit the color of all available links.
tabColor Color Edit the color of the Category and Services Tabs.
bordersColor Color Edit the color for the borders of the Category and Services content section, Category and Service components and Service Information Tags.
toggleStyleSettings Object Edit the toggle colors for: Active, Inactive and Disabled states.
logoImageUrl String Pass an image URL to be rendered as a logo in both First Layer and Second Layer.
links Enum Customize the visibility of the legal links: .both (default), .firstLayerOnly, .secondLayerOnly and .hidden.

First Layer Style Settings

Properties Type Notes
layout Enum Select the Layout of the First Layer: Sheet, Popup Center, Popup Bottom, Full.
headerImage Object Customize the layout of the image at the top of your banner: .logo (default), .extended or .hidden.
title Object Customize the appearance of the title label: Text Size, Text Color and Text Alignment.
message Object Customize the appearance of the message label: Text Size, Text Color, Text Alignment, Link Text Color and Link Text Underline.
buttonLayout Object Customize the layout of the action buttons: .column (default), .grid, .row. You may also pass an array of [ButtonSettings] to define the order and appearance of the buttons.
backgroundColor String Edit the color of the First Layer background in HEX.
cornerRadius Float Edit the corner radius of the banner.
overlayColor String Edit the color of the First Layer overlay in HEX.
overlayAlpha Float Edit the alpha of the overlay color.

Second Layer Style Settings

Properties Type Notes
showCloseButton Bool Show a close button in the Second Layer to allow users to dismiss the banner without editing consent.